
Rules & Regulations

Use of the space: The coworking space/private cabin/fixed desk is for the sole use of the company/person who has rented it. The cabin cannot be shared with others or used for any purpose other than work. Only the person who has rented the cabin has access to it. Sharing access with others is not allowed.

Guests: Guests are not allowed to use the private cabin unless prior permission has been obtained from the admin/building supervisor and you are responsible for their conduct and adherence to all the policies.

Alterations: Prior written consent must be obtained from the admin to do any alterations or fix any stickers inside the cabin, on the tables, chairs, cabinets, walls, & door.

Security: The person renting the cabin is responsible for the security of their belongings. The coworking office may provide a lockable cabinet or drawer for this purpose.

Cleanliness: The person using the cabin must keep it clean and tidy. Any damage caused to the cabin or its contents will be the responsibility of the person renting it.

Noise: The person using the cabin must keep noise levels to a minimum to avoid disturbing others.

Smoking is ONLY allowed in the smoking zone.

Eatables are NOT allowed inside the private cabin.

Access: Hubstairs CoWorks can be accessed from 9am to 9pm Mon to Sat, and 9am to 4pm on Sundays.

Air Condition: A/c will be operational from 9:30am to 6:30pm.

Free Beverages: Tea/Coffee is available in the cafeteria from 10:30am to 6:30pm.

Printout: To get a printout, please reach out to reception/admin. (Max 10 pages of printouts/month are Free)

Conference Room: Credits must be used to use conference room which is subject to availability, please reach out to reception/admin for booking/blocking.

Rent: Rent must be paid on time, and failure to do so may result in the person being denied access to the cabin.

Rent Defaulters: If the prepaid rent is not paid by 15th of the Month, the tenant will be considered as the “Rent Defaulter” and no complimentary hours of the conference room will be given in the next month.

Sorry to put you in these jargons. Rules are issued in the interest of all coworkers to maintain peace and serenity.

Have a query? don’t keep questions to yourself, reach out to us and we will help you with all your queries.

For Complaints/Suggestions, kindly write to us at reach@hubstairscoworks.com

Version 1.2.2, Last Updated on: 20/12/2023

Our Locations

Experience the future of CoWorking in Bangalore with Hubstairs CoWorks. Work in the City's Centre and avoid crazy traffic jams!

We have the widest range of affordable coworking solutions for freelancers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and enterprises.

We understand the work environment has a profound impact on business activities. So we redefine the office spaces that are more than just four walls and a desk to work.

Experience a workspace that goes beyond the ordinary. Everything is fully-furnished, you can plug & play, all the necessary amenities are available, partners available to give other prominent business services , connections to networking are made, and productivity flourishes.

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